vt, see also منع كردن and قدغن كردن – prohibit; forbid; interdict; inhibit; debar; restrict; ban; disbar; disallow; prevent; preclude; restrict Synonyms : forbid, prohibit, interdict, inhibit mean to debar one from doing something or to order that something not be done. Forbid implies that the order is from one in authority and that obedience is expected (smoking is forbidden in the buildings. Prohibit suggests the issuing of laws, statutes, or regulations (prohibited the sale of liquorp. To prohibit is to give some formal command against, and especially to make some authoritative legal enactment against. As between forbid and prohibit, forbid is less formal and more personal, prohibit more official and judicial, with the implication of readiness to use such force as may be needed to give effect to the enactment; a parent forbids a child to take part in some game or to associate with certain companions; the slave trade is now prohibited by the leading nations of the world. Many things are prohibited by law which cannot be wholly prevented as gambling and prostitution; on the other hand, things may be prevented which are not prohibited, as the services of religion, the payment of debts, or military conquest. That which is precluded need not be prohibited. Ban suggests not approval. Debar is said of persons, disallow of acts; one is debarred from anything when shut off, as by some irresistible authority; one is prohibited from an act in express terms; he may be debarred by silent necessity. An act is disallowed by the authority that might have allowed it; the word is especially applied to act which are done before they pronounced upon; thus, a government may disallow the act of its commander in the field or its admiral on the high seas. Interdict implies prohibition by civil or ecclesiastical authority usually for a given time or a declared purpose (practices interdicted by the churcha (to interdict the administration of the sacramentt. Inhibit implies restraints or restrictions that amount to prohibitions, not only by authority but also by the exigencies of the time or situation (conditions inhibiting the growth of free traden. The word is much used in modern psychiatry for the suppression of certain acts, thoughts, emotions, etc, that should be normally expressed or recognized; as, certain childhood fears inhibit him from attaining the fulfillment of his dearest ambitions, in which context its Persian equivalent is بازداشتن . An area in a city that is restricted to traffic is one to which motorists, or sometimes only certain groups of them, do not have access.
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